Services de



2ième opinion : un bon diagnostic est essentiel afain de traiter au mieux un lapin

Soins aux lapins, pelage et nutrition


2nd opinion: proper diagnosis is essential when it comes to treating a rabbit provides a second opinion service for owners and veterinarians. It offers to review your rabbit’s case, including the physical evaluation, history of clinical signs, laboratory, analysis of radiographs (x-rays) or other case work up. It also helps understand necropsy reports.

Material needed: copies of tests results, e.g., hematology and chemistry panels and x-rays, pathology reports, necropsy reports, etc.

If interesting, scientific articles of specific cases can be written in order to share the knowledge to veterinarians and other interested persons. These articles can be viewed on ResearchGate.

Please email Dr. Esther Van Praag for further information and fees:

Rabbit grooming and nutrition counseling

No issue is too big or small to improve the quality of life of a rabbit.

Rabbits of all breeds need care, cutting of nails and regular grooming of their fur to maintain their health. offers cutting nails, grooming and couseling on nutrition upon request.

The examination, grooming and cutting of nails of a rabbit does not replace a visit to a professional veterinarian.

Please email Dr. Esther Van Praag for her fees and travel costs at:




