Choroby układu oddechowego
Rozpoznanie różnicowe
Diseases of the deep
respiratory airways, by Esther van Praag, Ph.D. |
Domestication of the rabbit and respiratory diseases, by Esther van Praag, Ph.D. |
Complexity of the nasal cavity, by Esther van Praag, Ph.D. |
Wirusowe choroby
Viruses of the wild and domestic rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus), presentation by Esther van Praag, Ph.D. (PDF) |
Choroby bakteryjne
Case report, Toffik presenting eye bilateral lesions and nasal crusts, by Dr.
Magdalena Stasiowska |
Choroba grzybowa
Disseminated histoplasmosis (Histoplasma capsulatum) in a pet rabbit: case report and review of the literature, by João Brandão, Samantha Woods, Natalie Fowlkes, Mary Leissinger, Robert Blair, Cherie Pucheu-Haston, James Johnson, Christina Elster Phillips, Thomas Tully |
Nebulization |
Big thanks to Debbie Hanson.
Without her help, time and expertise, the making of the nebulizer video would
not have been possible. |
about using a nebulizer in a rabbit affected by upper respiratory infection
Neoplasia – masses in lungs |
Dyzia: respiratory difficulties and
masses in uterine, lungs and lymph node, by Dr. Magdalena Stasiowska |
Miodowe |
Accidental poisoning with the Lindane pesticide in a
few rabbit, by
Michel Gruaz and Esther van Praag |
Respiratory irritants and toxics |
Irritants of the respiratory airways in a rabbit: gaseous
ammonia and ozone, byEsther
van Praag, Ph.D. |
Is increased use of
air-conditioning linked to increased rate of respiratory diseases in rabbits ?, by Esther van
Praag, Ph.D |
Podziękowania dla Kim Chilson za jej wspaniałe ilustracje