Kim Chilson
to ALL rabbit owners |
Monitoring the weight
of a rabbit, by Dr Amir
Maurer |
Why do I need to body condition score my rabbit ? by Brigitte
Reusch, DVM |
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Books |
Warum leiden Hauskaninchen so häufig an Gebiss- und Verdauungsproblemen?
Ein Ratgeber für die Ernährung von Kaninchen (Why
do pet rabbits suffer so often from dentition and digestion problems
? A guide for the nutrition of rabbits), by Dr.
Estella Böhmer (German) |
Zahnheilkunde bei Kaninchen und Nagern: Lehrbuch und Atlas, by Dr. Estella Böhmer (German) |
ATLAS de Dentisterie du Lapin de compagnie, by Dr. Didier
Boussarie (French) |
Rabbit and Rodent Dentistry Handbook, by Dr.
Vittorio Capello, mit
Dr. Margherita Gracis; edited by Angela
M. Lennox (English) Some pages can be viewed here. |
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Rabbit dentition |
Anatomia zębów królika, by Dale Kressin, DVM, FAVD, Dipl. AVDC |
Uzębienie królików, by M. Gruaz |
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Dentistry |
Rabbit dentistry, by Dr. A.
Meredith |
Objective interpretation of dental disease in rabbits,
guinea pigs and chinchillas. Use of anatomical reference lines.
Drs E. Boehmer und D. Crossley |
Dentistry in Pet Rabbits, by Dr. Frank,
J. M. Verstraete, and Dr. Anna Osofsky |
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Salivation disorders |
DIAGNOSTYKA RÓŻNICOWA ŚLINOTOKU (nadmiernego wydzielania śliny) |
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neoplasia |
Formation of cauliflower-like growths on the skin and mucous membrane of rabbits, by Patrick Jacquaz, Tiffany Adams, Marjorie Panchaud, Arie van Praag, Julie Smith and Esther van Praag |
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of dental problems in rabbits |
Dental exam Overview of dental problems in rabbits, by Debbie Hanson. Speaking: Roy Cruzen,
DVM (Steeplechase Animal Hospital, Houston, USA), with the rabbit
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Dental treatment and surgery |
Case report: Stella:
severe malocclusion of incisors and molars. Includes detailed video's of her dental surgery, by D. Hanson,
with Manley May, DVM, (Pearland Pet Health Center, Houston,
USA), with the rabbit Stella. |