
Van dierenarts boeken tot ontspanning...


Kim Chilson



Lijst van boeken over konijnen geneeskunde


Konijnen of hazen verhalen

“A Hare about the House”, by Cecil S. Webb (pdf)

Konijn en haas poëzie

Hare and Rabbit Poems”, compiled by E. van Praag (pdf)



The story about the bunnies: The Gray One and The Yellow One. Part 1 - Necrotic intestine due to corn and grains, by Sebastian

The story about the bunnies: The Gray One and The Yellow One. Part 2 - At the vet for castration, by Sebastian

The story about the bunnies: The Gray One and The Yellow One. Part 3 - The problems and the fixes, by Sebastian  


Rabbits in veterinary photography

Photography in Veterinary Medicine, by Dr Esther van Praag


Champis - het herderskonijn...

Continentaal reuzenkonijn troost weeslammeren




e-mail: info@medirabbit.com