Bewegung |
Muscular and skeletal degeneration
in rabbits that lack exercise |
.. |
Knochen Verformungen |
X and O limbs in rabbits |
of anterior limbs in rabbits , von Esther van Praag, Ph.D. |
Lordosis, scoliosis or kyphosis spine
deformations are observed in rabbits too |
Fuzzy's Dislocated Hips, von Eloise
Jory |
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Knochenbruch |
Limb fracture and pinning of the
broken bone |
report: 8-week-old Wyatt suffering from a broken knee |
report: broken femur head in a young rabbit. Can amputation be avoided ?, von Sorelle
Saidman |
Rabbit with broken calcaneal tuber
(pelvic limb) and possible bacterial joint infection, radiography
and explanation, mit Debbie Hanson. In collaboration
with Dr. Dan Jordan and the rabbit Parker.
Pelvic limb with broken calcaneal
tuber, bacterial joint infection and demonstration of needle aspiration
biopsy and cytology, mit Debbie
Hanson. In collaboration with Dr. Dan Jordan and the rabbit Parker
(auf English).
. |
Neoplasie und Auswuchs |
claws in a rabbit, after traumatic fractures, von Esther
van Praag, Ph.D. |
oder Knochenauswuchs |
Behandlung, Verwendung von Glucosamin / Chondroitin und Nebenwirkungen
von Gabapentin bei Kanincheng |
ALERT: administration of gabapentin in the treatment
of arthritis leads to serious side-effects in rabbits !!!, von Esther
van Praag, Ph.D. |
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Erbliche oder angeborene
Missbildungen |
Fused vertebra in the tail of a Flemish
giant rabbit |
agenesis of the fibula and tibia and bilateral congenital apodia in
a Rex rabbit, von Janet E Geren und
Esther Van Praag, Ph.D. |
Beinspreizen bei Kaninchen |
Seabert, or the story of a very special
newborn (mit viel Bildern, |
. |
Knochenkrebs |
Probable periosteal osteosarcoma
in a rabbit, von Esther van Praag, Ph.D. |