Differentielle Diagnose für Haut-Krankheiten bei
Varying shedding patterns among
Hair loss (alopecia) in rabbits
from the ears,
by Tal Saarony
Virale Krankheiten
Formation of cauliflower-like growths on the skin and mucous membrane of rabbits, by Patrick Jacquaz, Tiffany Adams, Marjorie Panchaud, Arie van Praag, Julie Smith and Esther van Praag |
oder Geschwulst mit zellreichem Bindegewebe
Sparsky and Brownie: nodular type of myxomatosis in 2 vaccinated rabbits, by Janet
Herpes sp virus in rabbits
Herpes simplex encephalitis in rabbits, by P. Grest et al.
Naturally occurring Herpes
Simplex encephalitis in a domestic rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus), by H. Weissenböck et al. (PDF)
Bakterielle Krankheiten
Abscess management in rabbit, an
illustrated guide, by C. Macey
Staphylococcosis affecting young rabbits, by M. Gruaz
Treponematosis - rabbit syphilis
Case report: atypical
treponematosis - rabbit syphilis in a rabbit, by T. Saarony
Pseudomonas aeruginosa or green fur
Paws are good indicators of the
rabbit's health (2) - Pseudomonas aeruginosa, by Esther van Praag, Ph.D.
Schmorl’s disease or skin necrosis due to Fusobacterium
(Hasenpest) bei Kaninchen
Pilz Krankheiten
Pilz verbundene Dermatose
Paws, good indicator of the
rabbit's health (fungal dermatitis), by Esther van Praag,
Disseminated histoplasmosis (Histoplasma capsulatum) in a pet rabbit: case report and review of the literature, by João Brandão, Samantha Woods, Natalie Fowlkes, Mary Leissinger, Robert Blair, Cherie Pucheu-Haston, James Johnson, Christina Elster Phillips, Thomas Tully
Acarida verbundene Krankheiten
Haut-Milben: Cheyletiella parasitovorax and Listrophorus
Weniger häufige Fellmilben bei
Kaninchen: Trombicula autumnalis and Dermanyssus gallinae
Insekten verbundene Krankheiten
Myiasis (Fliegenmadenkrankheit)
– don’t get caught out, by the UK Rabbit Welfare Association and Fund
Myiasis by botfly (Cuterebra
sp.) in rabbits
Hormonelle Störungen
Case report: bilateral
symmetrical alopecia in a rabbit
Bilateral symmetrical alopecia is sporadically observed in male and female rabbits, by Janet Geren, Kim Chilson and Esther van Praag
Metabolische Krankheit
Case report: Mitsie, a rabbit suffering from cutaneous calcinosis circumscripta and chronic renal failure, by Katka Pruskova and Esther van Praag |
“Verhalten” Krankheiten
Self-mutilating behavior in
behavior in rabbits and does, by Esther van Praag, Ph.D.
“Mechanische” Krankheiten
Bein und Ohr Ringen
Skin anomaly
hanging or pendulous testis caused by collagen dysplasia in some non-neutered
male rabbits
?, by Esther van Praag, Ph.D.
Fur anomalies
Hairlessness in rabbits is a rare occurrence..., by Michel Gruaz and Esther van Praag |
Case report: did Freddy rabbit suffer from skin lymphoma ? by Celine Fischer
Chemical burning of skin
Ear pinnae of a lop rabbit show
skin burns, phlebitis and necrosis after daily cleaning with chlorhexidine, by Esther van Praag, Ph.D.
Abscess management in rabbit, an
illustrated guide, by C. Macey