How to treat a rabbit that has been given
a life-threatening antibiotic ? is funded solely by the
generosity of donors.
Every donation, no matter what
the size, is appreciated and will aid in the continuing research of medical care
and health of rabbits.
Thank you
It happens that a wrong antibiotic is
given by an (inexperienced) vet professional. This often results in lethargy
and severe diarrhea. This is due to: ·
the killing of the healthy intestinal
bacterial flora, ·
the presence of
asymptomatic pathogen bacteria like Clostridium difficile
and Escherichia coli. Pathogen bacteria will start to grow and
produce toxins, which damage the cecum, intestine and other organs, and may
induce a circulatory collapse. In the case that a rabbit has been given
a dangerous antibiotic, measures must be
taken ASAP, in order to avoid the onset of diarrhea or stop it, if already
present. The rabbit must be given: ·
oral or SC electrolyte
solution, to avoid dehydration and compensate for the massive loss of
electrolytes, due to diarrhea. ·
sulfa-based antibiotics or
gentamycin, to stop the growth of pathogen bacteria. Gentamycin has been
shown to prevent the appearance of enterotoxaemia in rabbits who have been
accidentally administrated ampicillin or lincomycin.
The used dosages were 10 mg/kg/day and 30 mg/kg/day, respectively. · ion exchange
resins, like cholestyramine, a human medication
used in rabbits, when given the wrong antibiotic (see: Antibiotics dangerous
for use in rabbits) or in case of over-dosage of
digoxin, ibuprofen, phenobarbitone, phenylbutazone, etc. It will bind the toxins produced by
the pathogenic bacteria. · a high fiber diet. · probiotics, with a great
variety of enteric bacteria, no Lactobacillus sp. alone preparations.