Choroby ukladu moczowo-plciowego


 Differential diagnosis

Nietrzymanie moczu u królików

Krwiomocz lub obecność krwi w moczu


 Successful recipe

Cream that helps treat urine burn in rabbits, by Audrey Libouton



Drogi rodne samicy królika

Anatomy of the male reproductive tract

The reproductive system of a pregnant hermaphrodite rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus), by  E. M. Sheppard


 Bacterial diseases

Endometritis, Orchtitis and Pyometra 


 Hormonal diseases

Case report: bilateral symmetrical alopecia in a rabbit



Normal urine and “sludge” in rabbits

Use of liquid magnesium in rabbits with chronic sludge

Nephroliths and Uroliths (calculi) in rabbits

Katrina: reduction of size of kidney stones, by Kim Chilson


 Differential diagnosis

Vaginal prolapse

Dyzia: respiratory difficulties and masses in uterine, lungs and lymph node, by Dr. Magdalena Stasiowska


Anomalies and congenital malformations in the male rabbit

Causes of infertility in male rabbits, by Esther van Praag, Ph.D.

Low hanging or pendulous testis caused by collagen dysplasia in some non-neutered male rabbits ?by Esther van Praag, Ph.D.

Congenital anomaly in male rabbits: split penis or hypospadias

Congenital anomaly in male rabbits: split penis or hypospadias, by Michel Gruaz, Arie van Praag and Esther van Praag



Pseudopregnancy: hay gathering and fur plucking behavior

Pregnancy toxemia, dystocia and uterine prolapse observed in does at the end of the gestation period, by Michel Gruaz, Arie van Praag, Luc Page, Esther van Praag

Rabbits all over . . . , or when reproduction gets out of control


Newborn rabbits

Causes of mortality in newborn rabbits, by Esther van Praag


 Surgical procedures

Male reproductive tract and orchidectomy (castration surgery)

Ovariohysterectomy or spay of the female rabbit

Caesarean section in the female rabbit presenting a difficult delivery




