Choroby układu oddechowego


 Kim Chilson


 Rozpoznanie różnicowe

Differential diagnosis for respiratory failure

Differential diagnosis for halitosis (bad breath)

Diseases of the deep respiratory airways, by Esther van Praag, Ph.D.



Domestication of the rabbit and respiratory diseases, by Esther van Praag, Ph.D.



Complexity of the nasal cavity, by Esther van Praag, Ph.D.


Wirusowe choroby

Viruses of the wild and domestic rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus), presentation by Esther van Praag, Ph.D. (PDF)

Respiratory problems, related to myxomatosis in rabbits

Herpes sp virus in rabbits


Choroby bakteryjne

Upper respiratory tract disease in rabbits

Pneumonia in rabbits

Case report, Toffik presenting eye bilateral lesions and nasal crusts, by Dr. Magdalena Stasiowska


 Choroba grzybowa

Disseminated histoplasmosis (Histoplasma capsulatum) in a pet rabbit: case report and review of the literature, by João Brandão, Samantha Woods, Natalie Fowlkes, Mary Leissinger, Robert Blair, Cherie Pucheu-Haston, James Johnson, Christina Elster Phillips, Thomas Tully



 Video about using a nebulizer in a rabbit affected by upper respiratory infection (URI):

Big thanks to Debbie Hanson. Without her help, time and expertise, the making of the nebulizer video would not have been possible.

Video about using a nebulizer in a rabbit affected by upper respiratory infection (URI):


 Neoplasia – masses in lungs

Dyzia: respiratory difficulties and masses in uterine, lungs and lymph node, by Dr. Magdalena Stasiowska



Accidental poisoning with the Lindane pesticide in a few rabbit, by Michel Gruaz and Esther van Praag


 Respiratory irritants and toxics

Ammonia intoxication in rabbits

Irritants of the respiratory airways in a rabbit: gaseous ammonia and ozone, byEsther van Praag, Ph.D.

Is increased use of air-conditioning linked to increased rate of respiratory diseases in rabbits ?, by Esther van Praag, Ph.D


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