immobilization of a rabbit in a towel (“rabbit burrito”)
Esther van
Praag, Ph.D. is
funded solely by the generosity of donors.
donation, no matter what the size, is appreciated and will aid in the continuing
research of medical care and health of rabbits.
Thank you
Warning: this page
contains a picture that may be distressing for some persons.
Rabbits are easily stressed, and administration of a
medicine or a test for diagnosing a disease, e.g. taking a blood sample from
the ear, can become a challenge. proper restraint is
thus of utmost importance. Chase,
a feisty Dutch rabbit getting his medicine (Photo: Kim Chilson) Restraint of a
rabbit in a towel, a drape, or a shirt, must be done with calm movements and
carefully. It is important to wrap the used material tightly around the body,
but lose enough to avoid compression of the abdomen, and allow normal
respiration. Once wrapped safely in a towel, most rabbits feel secure and
will not attempt to squirm out or struggle to escape. Never take chances !!!
As a rule, the rabbit should NEVER
be left without surveillance on the examination table !!! The burrito
technique requires some practice, before using it generally. If the rabbit is
calm, the rabbit burrito can be done on the examination table. With a nervous
or aggressive rabbit, or more generally, it is done safest to do this
procedure on the floor. Indeed, when a rabbit is poorly wrapped in a towel or
other cloth material, it may try to free itself in order to escape. The consequences
can be devastating, e.g. limb fracture, muscle damage or spine luxation, and
even fatal. The method of rabbit
restraint using the burrito method is very individual. General important
point should nevertheless be taken into account to avoid panic and attempts
of escape. They are illustrated in the following pictures.
special thanks to Kim Chilson and sick Chase for
their help and demonstration of the "rabbit burrito" method.
special thanks also to Wendy and the pictures of her beloved rabbit BunBunBoy.
Thank to Grisjje and Yara for their cooperation.