Rabbit Literature and Pleasure


From veterinary medicine books to leisure...


Kim Chilson


Veterinary medicine

List of books about Rabbit Medicine


Rabbit or hare stories

“A Hare about the House”, by Cecil S. Webb (pdf)


Rabbit and hare poetry

“Hare and Rabbit Poems”, compiled by E. van Praag



The story about the bunnies: The Gray One and The Yellow One. Part 1 - Necrotic intestine due to corn and grains, by Sebastian

The story about the bunnies: The Gray One and The Yellow One. Part 2 - At the vet for castration, by Sebastian

The story about the bunnies: The Gray One and The Yellow One. Part 3 - The problems and the fixes, by Sebastian  


Rabbits in veterinary photography

Photography in Veterinary Medicine, by Dr Esther van Praag


Champis - the herding rabbit...

Continental Giant comforting orphan lambs




e-mail: info@medirabbit.com